#SocialDay: insglück commits to social projects on World Happiness Day
20 March 2023 was the International Day of Happiness – the agency employees took it literally and made it a veritable „happy day”: Instead of sitting behind their desks, they all supported local social initiatives on this day. The entire insglück staff donated a whole day of happiness.
The staff of the three locations in Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne looked around and asked themselves: Where in our immediate neighbourhood can we become active? Who do we want to support? And which issues are close to our hearts? rom a multitude of projects and concerns, we chose these three:
On the Day of Happiness, team Berlin became active at the children and youth institution Elisabethstift Berlin, where they helped renovate two residential spaces for children in care in Berlin-Waidmannslust.
Team Hamburg spent the day in the hangars of Hanseatic Help. The colleagues helped assess, sort and repair clothes that the non-profit organisation provides to refugees, homeless people and other people in need.
Team Cologne supported Care4Cologne. On Tuesdays and Sundays, the initiative distributes food at the Cologne central station to people who need help. With the fairshare Köln initiative, the insglück team sorted food and prepared meals for the following day.
„Wo auch immer unsere Teams im Einsatz waren, erlebten sie, wie wertvoll ihre Hilfe war und wie dankbar diese angenommen wurde. Die Kolleg:innen konnten sich dabei untereinander noch besser kennenlernen, im Arbeitsalltag ungenutzte Fähigkeiten beweisen und einfach zeigen, dass sie Menschen mit Herz und Hilfsbereitschaft sind. Das machte den Tag zum Gewinn für alle“, so Urte Peter, Unternehmenskommunikation und Mitorganisatorin des Glückstag in Berlin.
They all agree: From now on, the “happy day” will become a permanent part of the corporate culture and should not be limited to this one day. “Everywhere we went, our help was valued and gratefully accepted. And we, as a team, couldn’t be less grateful because we were able to lend a hand and bring joy. Thus, the day was a win-win for everyone“, says Urte Peter, corporate communications and co-organizer of insglück’s days of happiness.